Saturday, 28 April 2012

Remember your Roots

Ignatius showing a young girl how to use a camera

I have had so many opportunities in my life, that opened up from being the KIBERA KID.  I keep coming back to my community and especially to the children and youth.

Whatever skills, whatever opportunities I have had in my life, I want to share them with others.  To me, to be truly educated means to share.

The people living in Kibera and other urban slums have the capacity to be creative in every way.  They only need someone who has had more opportunities, yet is ready to share, to be with them, and provide an example.  That's how I live my life.  I feel connected when I learn something and then I can turn around and share it with others.

Take a look the photo above.  What do you see?  That is me, Ignatius,  with a young girl Cynthia, that I met in Kibera during a Hot Sun Foundation community film screening. That day I was assigned to take photos for Hot Sun Foundation. I was carrying a digital camera. Cynthia asked me to show her how to use the camera. She had never used one before.  So I showed her how.  I enjoyed helping her learn something new.  From helping her, it was clear to me, that anybody can do anything with some guidance. 

Why am I writing all of this?  

Because I know that I need more training, more experiences, more education to become one of the future leaders of the new Kenya, where people can access equal opportunities. My plan is to be a human rights lawyer. 

That is my dream. It will come true through commitment and hard work. 

By getting outstanding grades, I know I can qualify for a loan or partial scholarship for about one-third of the costs of law school. 

I need to raise the funds for the other two-thirds of the costs. 

Your support through a donation of any amount is an investment in the future of Kenya. 

I will keep writing this blog so you can follow my progress and be part of my future and the future of Kenya. 

Friday, 20 April 2012

Crossing Borders Kenya to Somalia

Fatima Jibrell with Ignatius Juma, aka the KIBERA KID
Ignatius Juma is a future human right lawyer for Kenya.  He will be the best advocate for Kibera and its people.
 Ignatius will rise above tribal and other divisions.  He has already started by helping support Somali refugees during the recent catastrophic drought through fundraising at his school.
Ignatius Juma is going to be a strong leader for Africa, who can cut across economic lines, religious lines, bigotry lines.  He will be the Africanist who will fight misery. 
So let's support Ignatius Juma to get the skills he needs. 
Donate whatever you can for his university schooling. 
Let us  mentor him to become the genius advocate that Africa needs.                                    

Fatima Jibrell,   
Award-winning Environmental and Human Rights Activist  
Co-author Nabad iyo Caano, Peace and Milk photobook  Scenes from Northern Somalia                                                               
National Geographic Society Buffet Award for Leadership in African Conservation, 2008                
Goldman Environmental Prize winner for Africa , 2002                    
Co-Founder of Sun Fire Cooking, solar cooker options for Somalia                               
Founder and Board member of Horn Relief renamed Adeso                                  

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Me and the KIBERA KID

Pamela Collett and Ignatius Juma
at Hot Sun Foundation office,  Nairobi, Kenya

Greetings from Nairobi, Kenya, where I have lived since 1997.  I have known Ignatius since 2005, when he became the Kibera Kid. 

I work in Kibera at  Hot Sun Foundation with young people who are passionate about becoming filmmakers, despite the challenges of living in a slum.

Ignatius excels in whatever he decides to do. He has persevered in his schooling and his connections with Hot Sun Foundation.   Ignatius has twice been selected as Personality of the Year(2010, 2011) at his high school in Nairobi, Kenya.   

As a lifelong activist for social justice, I support Ignatius as a future leader of the new Kenya. The Kenya, which we want, is a country that respects diversity and human rights.  The new Kenya can only come into being with the leadership of young people like Ignatius.

Ignatius is devoting his life to working for changes needed in Kenya and other countries for everyone to live in peace and harmony.  He is reaching out for every opportunity that comes his way.  He is determined to become a human rights lawyer.

With your help, I know that Ignatius will succeed in becoming the leader 
Kenya and East Africa need. 

The planet needs young leaders like Ignatius Juma.
Invest in his education. 

Thank you for all you do. 


Pamela Collett
Dual Citizen: Australia USA
University lecturer:  Beijing, China, Canberra, Australia, Caracas, Venezuela
Curriculum development: Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, Pakistan, Afghanistan
Early Childhood Education:  Head Start, San Francisco, California
M.S. Human Development and Family Studies, Cornell University, New York
B.A. Art History, Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford University, California



You always always have a choice!

I will never forget these words from the award-winning film KIBERA KID.  Why?  Because I am the KIBERA KID. My name is Ignatius Juma.  I live in Kibera, the largest slum in East Africa.  

How did I become THE KIBERA KID?  Seven years ago while  playing soccer, I was "discovered" by an international filmmaker, Nathan Collett.  My life changed that day.  I became a film star, known throughout the world. 

What was most important about that once in a life time experience? Meeting people from different backgrounds. My  horizons expanded.  I was only 11 years old and starring in a film. 

KIBERA KID gave me choices.  I decided to live a life to bring more choices to others.  

I am now 18 years old, in my final year of secondary school.   From primary school I have had a scholarship from AVSI (International Service Volunteer Association). Through hard work, I have always maintained excellent grades.

 I want to be a leader in the "new" Kenya, where everyone always always has a choice...  choices such as access to education,  health care, decent housing.  

 I plan to go to law school to prepare myself to advocate for the rights of the marginalized. Law school is usually out of reach for people like myself, who grew up in Kibera.  

Because of my outstanding grades and scholarships, I will be eligible for loans from the Kenyan government for one third of my tuition and expenses.  My family does not have the resources for the remainder.

That's where the KIBERA KID returns - to reach out to all the people around the world who have seen and enjoyed the film.   Any contribution you can make will be appreciated. 

Send the KIBERA KID to University.
Watch this space for more information 

                                                            Trailer for KIBERA KID