Friday, 20 April 2012

Crossing Borders Kenya to Somalia

Fatima Jibrell with Ignatius Juma, aka the KIBERA KID
Ignatius Juma is a future human right lawyer for Kenya.  He will be the best advocate for Kibera and its people.
 Ignatius will rise above tribal and other divisions.  He has already started by helping support Somali refugees during the recent catastrophic drought through fundraising at his school.
Ignatius Juma is going to be a strong leader for Africa, who can cut across economic lines, religious lines, bigotry lines.  He will be the Africanist who will fight misery. 
So let's support Ignatius Juma to get the skills he needs. 
Donate whatever you can for his university schooling. 
Let us  mentor him to become the genius advocate that Africa needs.                                    

Fatima Jibrell,   
Award-winning Environmental and Human Rights Activist  
Co-author Nabad iyo Caano, Peace and Milk photobook  Scenes from Northern Somalia                                                               
National Geographic Society Buffet Award for Leadership in African Conservation, 2008                
Goldman Environmental Prize winner for Africa , 2002                    
Co-Founder of Sun Fire Cooking, solar cooker options for Somalia                               
Founder and Board member of Horn Relief renamed Adeso                                  

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